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What is "The Sniff"?

It's a method of greeting that goes beyond a simple handshake - or even a hug! It allows us dogs to be more intellectually unintimidated by the each other. "Yes", we can say, " I met Arfie, and I know he's a real dog just like me... not all roses, but a real dog". It's very humbling on the receiving end as well - a good social leveling ritual... humans ought to make it customary.

Blue seen here sniffing a fellow Peace Activist at a local Peace Rally - recognizing the 1 year U.S. Occupation of Iraq, March 20, 2004 . [learn more]
The Peace Gland
The little known Peace Gland's found near the loins in most dogs and humans. It's subtle vibration is a curious thing, as modern science has yet to determine it's source. This vibration and subsequent transfer of energy has led to recent reports documenting improved heart rate and lower stress levels of both participants - the sniffer and the sniffie. While studies are still ongoing, it is certain that prolonged, continuous sniffing of the Peace Gland contributes to an increased production and release of endorphins, resulting in a sense of euphoria and a more peaceful community.

Sniffing the "Enemy"

How is it that most people don't do "the Sniff" like us dogs? They even get embarrassed when being seen holding our leash in public as we do "the sniff". Dogs have learned the virtues of sniffing and that often "the enemy" is really just a dog that we don't understand and have been led to fear. Usually a good sniff can clear up these misunderstandings and foster a life with a lot less room for fear.

Some Glands are for Sniffing - NOT SNIPPING! Oouch!!! Many dogs and people have encountered some sort of snipping - from tails, ears, testicles, & foreskins, you name it... someone wants it snipped.
WHOA NELLY! - If you are a HUMAN and are considering a vasectomy, SERIOUSLY do yourself a favor and [click here] Spend a at least few minutes to learn what the doctors might not even know about this "simple procedure".
The odds for something to go wrong are higher than you think, and the amount of possible long-term pain and suffering is worse than you would imagine! (years)Read about what unfortunately happened to a wonderful person and friend, Kevin Hauber, when he went in for this "quick and easy 5 minute harmless procedure". It is his wish to educate and warn men about the real dangers involved with vasectomy.

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